Changing Fields

You need to be very careful when you change existing fields because of the data that might be in the field and or how the field might be used on another Data Layout. If the change is to shorten the length of field you should check the data first by using an external query product to view the data. If you shorten the field will it eliminate any of the data in any of the Data Layouts? Perhaps it would be better to create a new field rather than shorten an existing field. Another consideration is Copy Clear and Propagate attribute values. Is the field being used on another Data Layout where those properties might be important? If so you should not change the existing field. If you change fields you will have to rebuild the files using Regenerate.


To access the ActionWare Main Menu, from a command entry line:

Type AW4LM

Press Enter

To access the the Configuration Menu:

Option 5 Configuration Menu

Press Enter

To access the work (prototype) screen:

Option 1 Define database layout

Press Enter

The initial screen display is a work screen (prototype) of the most current database design layouts from the FIEL file. The current contact record layout for Data Layout 1 Panel 0 and Panel 1 is displayed first. The screen displays the labels for existing fields along with the data field ID's. To move to Data Layout 2 use F14, to Move to Data Layout 3 use F15, F13 will take you back to Data Layout 1. F11 rotates through all the panels on any given Data Layout.




Company COM...........................

Address AD1...........................

Address AD2...........................

City CIT................. State ST

Zip Code ZIP....... Country CTY.........


 Acct Type A59..........

 Account # KY1..........

 Phone TT1 TL1.................

 Phone TT2 TL2.................

 URL: J50......................


Layout 1 Panel 0

 J06.......................... COMPANY PROFILE   J80..........................


Annual Rev ($mm) A90.

Year Established A63.

SIC code Z22.

Type Business US3.................

Product/Svc 1 A91..


 Number Employees A50.

 Number Locations C09.

 Geography Coverd A92.......




Layout 1 Panel 1

To change a field, position to the desired Data Layout and panel, move your cursor to the spot on the panel where current field is displayed and:

Key F10 = edit field details

Press Enter

A display of the field attributes for that particular field ID will appear:

Sequence: 760 . .. . . Field Name: . C10 . . . . Type: . A . ... . . . File start:........ . 933. .... . ... End: 936
  Length: 4 . . . . . . . ...Dec: . . Edit: . . . . . . . . . Case:.. L . . . . .. Entry Field: Y . ... . .Copy Clear: Y . . . . ...................................................................................................................................................Propagate: . 0

------- DATA . LAYOUT . 1 --------

  Panel#: 4

Confirmed Code______

label . data

Row : . 20 .. . 20
Col: . .. 16 .. . 18
Lth: . . .14
Attr: ... .__
Color:. __ . .. __
Rev I:...__ .....__
Help label: . C10A

------- DATA . LAYOUT . 2 --------

  Panel#: N

Problem Category________

label . data

Row : . ..0 .. .18
Col: . .. 20 .. 41
Lth: . . . 16
Attr: ... .__
Color:. __ . .. HI
Rev I:...__ .....__
Help label: . C10B

------- DATA . LAYOUT . 3 --------

  Panel#: 3

Salary Grade_________

label . data

Row : . 19 .. . 19
Col: . .. ..7 .. . 20
Lth: . . . 12
Attr: ... .__ HI
Color:. __ . .. __
Rev I:...__ .....__
Help label: . C10C


Col Heading 1: .Confirmed Code
Col Heading 2:. Problem Category
Col Heading 3: .Salary Grade

Notes 1: ____________________
Notes 2: ____________________
Notes 3: ____________________
Notes 4: ____________________

Field text: Confirmed Code; Problem Category; Salary Grade;

F3=Exit... F5=Refresh... F12=Cancel

Change whatever attribute you desire and press enter to save the changes. Note that all of the attributes at the top of the screen are shared by the one field on all three Data Layouts so be very careful note to change anything that might effect another Data Layout. Be sensitive also to the length of the field in relation to other Data Layouts, making it longer may mean that it would not fit on an existing Data Layout. Shortening the field may greatly effect the data contained in an existing field. When in doubt, add a new field.

For an additional way to change a Field ID see related topic: