Full Regeneration

Once you define your database, you will need to do a full regeneration to apply the adds, changes or deletes in your live ActionWare database library. A regeneration or full rebuild of the file must be done in a dedicated mode meaning that all users and all programs accessing ActionWare programs or libraries must be signed off. The regeneration (rebuild) is done in batch) and while it is running no one should sign on to ActionWare.

We recommend that you perform a full backup of all ActionWare libraries prior to running a full regeneration.

To access the ActionWare Main Menu, from a command entry line:

Type AW4LM

Press Enter

To access the the Configuration Menu:

Option 5 Configuration Menu

Press Enter

13. Full regeneration

Press Enter

The Regeneration Prompt screen will display:

Regeneration Prompt

 Submit the Regeneration to batch . . . . Y ......... Y=Yes, N=No
  For choice Y=Yes:
  Job Queue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... QBATCH Name
  Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... *LIBL Name, *LIBL
 Rebuild Database Files . . . . . . . . . ................... A A=Automatic, Y=Yes
  Normally use the default option A.
  Do not use option Y unless instructed
  to do so by ActionWare Support Personnel.

Use only the defaults as this appear, do not change any of the values. Press Enter

The regeneration will be run in batch and when completed will give you an iSeries (AS/400) break message that it has been successfully completed. When a regeneration runs it makes a backup of your design and data, deletes both and recompiles the work (prototype) screen version of the design to live. It than writes back the data. The regeneration backup files can be used by ActionWare support to restore a failed regeneration. Do NOT delete those backup files until you have entered the ActionWare database and made sure that your design is the right one. Also make sure that the functionality is working and that the data is correct. Once you have reviewed the database and are satisfied that all is in working order you may and should delete our regeneration backup files. The ActionWare backup files should not be a substitute for your full backup to CD or tape prior to the full regeneration.

See related topic:

Occasionally, a regeneration does not require a full rebuild of the files. This might happen if the only changes in the database design happened to be repositioning of fields and labels in the same Data Layout. If you would like to know if the programs will be doing a full regeneration you can first choose to run Option 10 from the Configuration Menu:

Type AW4LM

Press Enter

To access the the Configuration Menu:

Option 5 Configuration Menu

Press Enter

10. Check if database files need rebuilding

Press Enter

A message will appear at the bottom of the screen to let you know if you Option 13 will require a full rebuild.

What to do if you have an UNSUCCESSFUL Regeneration?

If your regeneration is unsuccessful contact ActionWare support immediately. You will be asked to provide a joblog.

To obtain a regeneration joblog begin at the ActionWare main menu

Type AW4LM

Press Enter

Type on the command line:


Press Enter

Scroll or page down until you locate the joblog identified by AW4-FULL. Save this joblog for review with ActionWare Technical Support. They will assist you in restoring your files using the regeneration backup files, or they will determine the problem, correct it with you and ask you to resubmit your full regeneration. To contact the ActionWare Technical Support Team see related topic: