Journaling and Journal Management

You can use iSeries (AS/400) journal management to backup individual changes as they occur and to help recover your ActionWare database files if you have a major disk problem on your iSeries (AS/400).

Whenever you change data in a file, journal management records the change in the journal receiver before it records updates the file. The journal receiver always contains the latest database information. It records activities against a file regardless of the type of program, user or job that made the change, or the logical file where the change was made.

Entries in the journal receiver are recorded as activities for a specific record (added, updated, or deleted) and for a file (opened, file member saved, and so on). Each entry includes additional bytes of control information identifying the source of the activity including the user, job, program, time and date. Journal receiver entries record images after the control information for changes that affect a single record.*

Use the recorded changes to recover data if a database file member becomes damaged. Journal management provides better recovery than other methods for the following reasons:

For more information on journaling, refer to the IBM iSeries (AS/400) Programming Guide.