Security Maintenance

In ActionWare each contact record is assigned an owner. The default is the userID of the person first creating the contact record. The System Administrator may choose to write a USR100 program to change the initial assignment of the owner data. It could be a particular userID based on a territory field or a department designation also using a userID. Departments such as Sales, Marketing, Payroll, Customer Service or abbreviations of those types of departments are often used as userID's for Security purposes only.

Using Security Maintenance function focuses on the data in the contact record for the OWN or owner field. This field is located above the top red bar and is a System Field meaning it can not be changed in anyway by the System Administrator. The Security Maintenance program looks to this data and than to any setup on that userID to see if their are users that have been restricted from viewing, changing or deleting the contact record for that owner userID. The restrictions can be setup per individual panel, for activities and activity notes or you can even restrict complete viewing of all of the contact record. If the Payroll department, for example, used a contact record for each employee you could mask from view all contact records where the data in the OWN field was Payroll. As the users moved through the database they would skip completely all contact records for "Payroll". Only those userID's who were authorized to view Payroll contact records would be able to see them.

Security Maintenance used a designation of *PUBLIC to restrict functions. If *PUBLIC is to be totally restricted from a contact record as in our example of the OWN data as Payroll, than all of the prompts next to *PUBLIC would be N for No. Suppose two temporary employees are to be restricted from all the Sales department contact records but all other employees are not restricted. The *PUBLIC prompts would than be Y for Yes and the two temporary employees would have their userID's listed under *PUBLIC with all N's for No. They would not be able to view, change or delete any contact record with the OWN data of Sales.

Security Maintenance setup is done from the User Enrollment and Security Option from the Administration Menu, starting at the ActionWare Main Menu.

To access the ActionWare Main Menu, from a command entry line:

Type AW4LM

Press Enter

To access the Administration Menu:

Option 4. Administration Menu

Press Enter

To access the User Enrollment & Security Option:

Option 2. User Enrollment and Security

Press Enter

The Security Maintenance screen is displayed.

Security Maintenance

Work with Hierarchy

Position to User ID: __________


Type option(s), press Enter.
2=Change User ...... 3=Reassign Group ...... 4=Delete User


User Level

User ID


Manager's Name




New Temp Manager

ActionWare Security




Alfred Agreements

ActionWare Security




ActionWare Administrator

ActionWare Security




Helen Helpdesk

ActionWare Security




Henry Helpdesk

ActionWare Security




Jim Service

ActionWare Security




John Larimer

ActionWare Security




Ken De Jong

ActionWare Security




Kerry Marketing

ActionWare Security




Linda Sales

ActionWare Security




Mark Sales Manager

ActionWare Security

F3=Exit ............ F5=System Options .................. F6=Add User Id ......... F12=Cancel
F10=Default Initial Filter ................ F17=Top ........ F18=Bottom .......... F21=Security Control

Choose a userID for Record Authority Maintenance:


What happens:


Change User, allows you to change user attributes, opens the Detailed Authority Definition screen

Use the following function key to access the Authorized Users Definition screen:

Function Key:

What happens:

F9=Authorized Users

Opens the Authorized Users Definition screen

The Security Maintenance - Add Detailed Authority Definition screen appears:

Security Maintenance

Authorized Users Definition

User Id . . . . XXXXXXXXXXX ................. Name . . User Full Name
Single/Team . . S...........................................Title ...... XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Hierarchy Level . . . Unknown
Reports to . . . . . Unknown


Type option, or change authority, or add new User, press Enter
  4=Delete Authorized User Id

  .................................Allow add or change ..... Allow view or change .... Allow view
  .......................................... Y=yes N=no ... ........ Y=both V=view N=no ... Y=yes N=no
  ........................................ Contact. -...-Notepad-- ........ --------- PANEL --------- ............ ---PANEL---
............Opt... User Id .... Chg Dlt. ..Add. Chg .Dlt .........0.. .1.....2.. .3... 4. ..5....6........... Activ Note
  .......... __ ....*PUBLIC .....Y .... Y ..... .Y ... Y .... Y .......... Y... Y.... Y... Y. ..Y.. Y... Y ...............Y ... Y


  F3=Exit ..........................F4=Prompt for Id's
 F10=User Access ....................F12=Cancel .............Page Up/Down............. ENTER=Add/Change

Update the prompts as appropriate for this "changed" userID. Again that userID can be anything that works best for your Company. It maybe a particular individual or a department or a project ID. All that is required is that the userID be enrolled in ActionWare. All values for each prompt are either Y for Yes or N for No and the Panel Prompt also has V for View.


What happens:


You only option for an existing entry is 4 for delete


Value maybe *PUBLIC, the default, or any valid ActionWare userID that you key

Contact Chg

Is this userID allowed to change the contact record?

Contact Dlt

Is this userID allowed to delete the contact record? ...

Notepad Add

Is this userID allowed to add a note on the NotePad Panel, a legacy panel?

Notepad Chg

Is this userID allowed to change a note on the NotePad Panel, a legacy panel?

Notepad Dlt

Is this userID allowed to delete a note on the NotePad Panel, a legacy panel?

Panel 0

Is this userID allowed to view or change Panel 0?

Panel 1

Is this userID allowed to view or change Panel 1?

Panel 2

Is this userID allowed to view or change Panel 2?

Panel 3

Is this userID allowed to view or change Panel 3?

Panel 4

Is this userID allowed to view or change Panel 4?

Panel 5

Is this userID allowed to view or change Panel 5?

Panel 6

Is this userID allowed to view or change Panel 6?

Panel Activity

Is this userID allowed to view activities?

Panel Activity Note

Is this userID allowed to view activity notes?

The setup of Security Maintenance can be done in advance of activation. A System Option #25 must be set to Y for Yes or P for Panel to activate your setup. If you use only Y for Yes than all of your setup's regarding Panel restrictions will not work. Only a P for Panel in Option #25 will activate full Security Maintenance.


Option Description:



Activate Owner Authority (P=Y+panel auth also)


Owner Authority is activated. User may be restricted from changing or viewing the contact record. This is also known as Security Maintenance.



Panel Authority is activated in addition to Owner Authority. User may be restricted from changing or viewing particular Panels



Owner Authority is deactivated. No authority checking will be done at all


For more information on System Options see related topic: