Changing Campaigns

Campaigns activities once they are created and completed are history and cannot be changed. However, Campaign activities that are still Status PENDING maybe changed by updating the Campaign and re-generating it to change ALL of the Campaign activities effected by your change.

To change a Campaign:



What happens:


Other Options

the Other Options pop-up menu window appears


work with campaigns

the work with Campaign screen appears

The Work with Campaign screen appears and if there are any previous Campaigns that have been saved, they will be listed. The screen looks like this:

Work with Campaigns

Type option(s), press Enter

2=Change 4=Delete 7=Generate/Update






Customer Service calls. . . . . . .... .(example only)



NewsLetters to Customers . . . . . .(example only)







F3=exit . . .F5=refresh . . F6= create new Campaign . . . . F12=cancel

Use Option 2 next to the Campaign ID to be changed and Press Enter:


What happens:

2 & Press Enter

The Campaign Management screen appears

When you Press Enter the Campaign Management screen appears. Note that it looks very much like the Work with Activity Plans screen:

Campaign Management

Campaign ID: ___



Author: userID


Owner: userID


Exclusivity: None

Default Plan ID: ___


Default Filter: __________


Type option(s), change values, press Enter.


4=Delete 6=Mass Mailing 8=Activity Note



Act #






Docum, LitKit or Script name

Target User















































































































What to do with these fields:

Campaign Management


What value is used in this Field:

Campaign #:

Display of the 3 character field used to name the Activity Plan in this Campaign. This is the name that appears on the saved Activity Plan List


Display of the 10 character field with the userID of the person creating the initial Campaign.


Display of the 10 character field used for the userID of person who is to "own" the Campaign.


Display of the 1 character field defining the Type of Campaign. There are 3 values for this prompt. Blank, X and O. They mean, Blank = Non Exclusive is the default, it will allow use of any contact record in this new Campaign - even if already has activities from another Campaign. X = Exclusive is basically a lock on contact records so that they may not be used by "other " new Campaigns until the Campaign activities are completed or dropped. O = Overriding, use of this Type of Campaign will complete all Campaign activities for any contact record that might exist in a previous Campaign.

Default Plan ID:

Display of the 3 character field used for the Activity Plan ID (Activity Plan name) that is to be incorporated in this Campaign.

Default Filter:

Display of the 10 character field used for filter ID (filter name) that is to be run during generation for this Campaign.

Option 8

Use of this option to create an acivity note to go with the chosen line of the Activity Plan

Act #

Sort value used to number each step in the Campaign. Defaults are 10, 20, 30, etc. and the results in the initial Campaign will be identical to those steps used in the chosen Activity Plan. You can rearrange these values as suits.


Date of the Campaign activity


Begin time for the Campaign activity to occur


Priority of the step using the Importance and Urgency codes


The type of Campaign activity (ACTN, INFO, and so on)


The method by which the Campaign activity is completed (HDOC, FDOC, and so on) The second field indicates the direction (O=outbound, I=inbound, and N=none).

Docum, LitKit or Script name

The document, literature kit or script name to be used in the Campaign

Target User

Target user for the Campaign activity


Status of the Campaign activity, updated by the system. PEND, COMPT, etc.

In addition to these fields you can use the following function keys:

F3 and F12

F3 exits Activity Plans and F12 takes you to the prior screen without saving anything that you have keyed


F7 is used to fold/unfold the Campaign Management screen. There are several more fields available besides those already detailed. They are:


What value is used in this Field:


Displays end time for Campaign activity. You may specify an end time to meet your needs


8 character field to optionally code the Campaign activity. This code field appears on the ToDo list so it is important to key something that is relevant.


This field is used if the user wishes to be reminded of the Campaign activity before it is due. Every decimal represents six minutes. A break message will occur at the time chosen to the target userID. Example: to be reminded of an Campaign activity 12 minutes prior to it being due, enter 2 in the decimal space.


This field represents the amount of time between the due date and notification to the author that the Campaign activity has not been completed. The target may complete the Campaign activity any time before the grace period ends. When the grace period ends, a break message is sent to the author if the Campaign activity has not been acted upon.

Msg Tgt

Possible values of Y (Yes) or N (No). Yes means that a break message will be sent to the Target whenever the Campaign activity is changed or completed. N (No) means no message is sent

Msg Aut

Possible values of Y (Yes) or N (No). Yes means that a break message will be sent to the Author whenever the Campaign activity is changed or completed. N (No) means no message is sent

User Field A1

A six character alpha field for your use.

User Field A2

A one character alpha field for your use.

User Field A3

A one character alpha field for your use.

User Field N1

A five digit numeric field with no decimals for your use.

User Field N2

A nine digit numeric field that can contain a number with up to seven integers and two decimals for your use. You must enter the decimal point to separate the integers from the decimals.

Once you have completed all the fields that comprise your Campaign you must Press Enter to save it to the Campaign Management list. You will see the following message:

Campaign Added/Updated. Press ENTER to continue.

Press Enter again to Generate the Campaign. You will see the following prompts, use ALL defaults, do not change any of the prompts:

 Campaign Update Prompt

Update Campaign: ______________

  Submit the process to batch

  For choice Y=Yes:

  Job Queue. . . . . . . .

  Library. . . . . . . .










 Y=Yes, N=No


  Name, *LIBL

A break message will occur on your session with the generation (compile) of the Campaign is complete. Press Enter to remove the message. If you examine the ToDo list of the selected target users in the Campaign you will see all of the campaign activities. They will be on each contact record in the Filter, as defined in the Campaign. Any original Campaign activities that had been completed prior to the change, will not update. They will remain as history on each contact record where they exist.