Filter Options

The Other Options Menu is available when a filter is active. To access press O (Other) O (filter Options)

The filter options menu looks like this:

Filter Options Selection

Filter Id..: ______________________________


Description: ___________________________


Select one of the following:



1. Display List of Filtered Records


2. Reports Menu


3. Mass Mailing Options


4. Overlay Control (filter will become active)


5. Return with Filter Active



Selection: __


F3=Exit F11=Select New Filter F12=Cancel

The filter options use the active filter for it's source to perform the functions as follows:

Filter Options:


What happens:

Display List of Filtered Records

1 or D

Displays a list of the current filtered contact records in alphabetical order. Same function as F4

Reports Menu

2 or R

Displays Reports Menu. Same function as O (Other options) R (Reports menu)

Mass Mailing Options

3 or M

Displays Mass Mailing prompt

Overlay Control (filter will become active)

4 or O

Displays Overlay Control prompt

Return with Filter Active

5 or F

Displays current active filter starting at the first contact record in the filter

Reports Menu: These initial reports are shipped with the product and the first 3 require active filters to run:

Query refers to the use of the IBM Query for iSeries (formerly Query/400) product. Your System Administrator can add your custom query reports to this menu.

Reports 1 through 3 are based on an active filter and will print reports as follows:


What happens:

Abbreviated Contact List

Prints a report with Company name, Contact name and phone number information by filtered contact record

Name and Address Detail

Prints a report with full Company name, Contact name, address and phone number information by filtered contact record

Full Contact Detail

Prints a report with all data field information by filtered contact record


Mass Mailing Options: Your System Administrator will need to setup our Microsoft Word Interface (MSWI) in order for you to use any wordprocessing options such as mass mailing. This option also uses the active filter for it's source to perform create new documents from shells or templates to produce documents per the processing method chosen.

Mass Mailing Options:


What happens:

Shell Document name . . .

12 character prompt for existing shell document name. You can use F4 for a list of available shell documents

Using the filtered group of contact records and the shell (template) document typed in this prompt, the programs will create a letter based on that shell for each contact record.

Filter ID to use. . . . .

10 character prompt for filter name (filter ID). You can use F4 for a list of available filters.

A filter must be active to use mass mailing. The active filter ID defaults to this prompt.

 Sort letters by ZIP Code?

1 character field with N (No) or Y (Yes) as the only options

Your choice, if N the resulting individual letters will not be sorted by zip code. If Y than they will be sorted in zip code file for printing.

 Processing Method . . . .

1 character prompt with these options only:

1=only print letters, no activities
2=create activities based on mailing
3=prep docs, no print

Your choice, 1 will print letters without automatic activities, 2 will print letters and also update each contact record with an automatic activity HDOC O. The activities are updated with the document description name and also automatically completed., 3 documents are created for display and will not print.

Overlay Control: Your System Administrator must authorize you to use this function. Great care must be taken in using overlay because, depending on your choices, it changes selected data on every contact record in your filter. If you don't know what you are doing than you could change data incorrectly and not be able to retrieve it. There is NO undo with overlay.

 Overlay Control

Key data and press Enter when ready


(Overlay may only be performed on Contact Fields)


Field to be changed: ___

Starting in character position: 1


Case translation (A/U/L/M): A



As keyed->: ______________________________________________________________

 --OR-- (: forces a space)


From field: ___

Start position: 1


Character count: ___

F4=prompt F12=cancel

Blank after (Y/N): N

(Once you Press Enter you will be prompted for a confirmation code:)





(Once you Press Enter after keying the confirmation code following is displayed)


Counts: XX records changed


  0 records NOT changed

F8=another overlay F12=cancel

There are several ways to change data using Overlay,

ONE: Changing the data in the field to be changed to whatever is keyed in the as keyed prompt

  1. Field to be changed, Key the field ID of the field to be changed into this prompt

  2. As keyed->, Key the new data into this prompt using colons after the data to fill up all blank spaces

  3. Press Enter

  4. Enter Confirmation Code, the count of contact records changed should match the count of the contact records in the active filter.

TWO: Copying data from the From field to the Field to be changed

  1. Field to be changed, Key the field ID of the field to be changed into this prompt

  2. From field, Key the field ID of the field containing the data that is to be copied to the Field to be changed

  3. Press Enter

  4. Enter Confirmation Code, the count of the contact records changed should match the count of the contact records in the active filter

Understanding the use of these prompts:

Overlay prompts:

What happens:

Field to be changed:

The prompt for the 3 character field ID to be changed

Starting in character position: 1

Associated with the Field to be changed prompt. A 3 character prompt intended to be used as a numeric starting point for the data change. Example: If you are placing an X at the end of the field labeled Tertiary ID (RCL is the actual field ID) you would want the data to be inserted on a starting position of 15 because that is the last character in that field. Default is 1 for the 1st character in that field.

Case translation (A/U/L/M): A

Associated with the Field to be changed prompt. Values are Automatic, Upper case, Lower case or Mixed Case. This prompt is used if you want to force the data being change to a particular case. Default is A for automatic.

From field:


Start position: 1

Associated with the From field prompt. A 3 character prompt intended to be used as a numeric starting point for the data in the From field to be copied into the Field to be changed. Example: If the data in the From field is the word Pacific and you want to only move the 1st two letters of that word to the Field to be changed, you would keep the default of 1.

Character count: ___

Associated with the From field prompt. A 3 character prompt intended to be used as a numeric ending point for the data in the From field to be copied into the Field to be changed. In our previous example, you would use 2 (for a character count of 2) to get only the first two characters of PA. Default is blank.

Blank after (Y/N): N

Associated with the From field prompt. Values are Y (Yes) and N (No) only. Use Y (Yes) if you want a blanks after the data in the From field to be copied into the Field to be changed. The Default is No or N.

Confirmation Code: This code is a combination of the current day and hour entered in DDHH format. It is derived from the date and time displayed in the upper righthand corner of the Overlay screen.

 If the date was 09/12/XX and the time was 09:33 than the confirmation code would be 1209 This example of the confirmation code is composed of 12, which is the day of the month (DD), and 09 which is the hour (HH) of the time.