Using Scripts

Using a script means executing a specific script program, of your choice, for a particular data layout, and then responding to the script prompts that guide you through what is typically a data gathering process. We are going to use the Sample Script to demonstrate using Scripts.

To start using this Sample Script, create a filter for all of the customer that you want to contact.

Once the filter is active you will use the following commands to begin using the Script:

Press Y: At the very bottom of the 1st contact record in the filter the following prompt appears.

Script name:


Initial page:


You may type the Script name or use F4 for a list of available Scripts. Our sample Script is called Sample. If you leave the Initial page prompt blank it will start the Script at the 1st Page. Press Enter to run the Script.

The name of the last Script used will be retained as a default in this prompt. When you complete the Script on the first contact record in your Filter, all you will need to do is Press F for Forward to move to the next contact record in your Filter and Press Y. The Script name has been retained as a default so all you will need to do to start the Script on this new contact record is to Press Enter. Repeat this process until all of the contact records in the Filter have been contacted and updated using the Sample Script.