PCL requires two data queues in the QGPL library. They are named xxxxxxxxDN and xxxxxxxxUP, where xxxxxxxx represents the system name of the iSeries (AS/400). The iSeries400 System Name appears in the top right corner of most system menus, and it can also be displayed with the DSPNETA command.  

These two data queues are normally created just once, and they can serve any number of users. They are automatically created under either of these two conditions.  

1. When PCL is started on a PC, it connects to the default iSeries (AS/400) defined and named in Client Access Express. (Note- PCL requires that the iSeries (AS/400) name used in the CAE configuration must be the actual iSeries (AS/400) System Name.) PCL connects to the iSeries (AS/400) and attempts to open the two data queues in QGPL. If they do not exist, PCL creates them.

2. When a green screen user enters ActionWare with Master Control option 57 set to 1=PCL, the ActionWare program checks for the existence of the two data queues in QGPL. If they do not exist, ActionWare creates them.

A problem with the creation of the data queues has been discovered when they are created as a result of condition #1 above. They are created incorrectly, and PCL will not function.

The solution is to delete them, and cause them to be created as described in condition #2 above.



These instructions assume: .

The PC operating system is one of Windows 98/2E/ME/NT/2000/XP.

The iSeries (AS/400) user profile used is enrolled as an ActionWare user.

The iSeries (AS/400) user profile used has sufficient authority to perform the steps described.

1. Ask all ActionWare users to exit ActionWare.

2. End PCL on all PCs by double clicking on the PCL icon on the task bar and selecting Exit.

3. Sign onto an iSeries (AS/400) green screen emulation session.

4. Determine the name of the iSeries (AS/400) by entering command DSPNETA and recording the System Name.

5. Enter command WRKOBJ QGPL/*ALL *DTAQ

6. Locate the two PCL data queues in the list. The names will start with the system name, and end with DN and UP. There may or may not be other data queues in the list, be very careful not to interfere with them, they are not related to ActionWare.

7. Delete the two PCL data queues using option 4.

8. Enter ActionWare by entering command AW4LM and selecting option 1. If necessary, press Enter until you arrive at the first contact record.

9. Exit ActionWare.  To verify the data queues were created, enter command  WRKOBJ QGPL/*ALL *DTAQ again.

10.You should see the same two data queues. This time they were created by the ActionWare green screen program, not by the PC.  

11. Finished. It will never be necessary to follow these instructions again on this iSeries (AS/400).

12. You can now use PCL normally.

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Last Updated May, 2005