ActionWare for Customer Service

Customer Service functions are a logical extension of your sales team, as every opportunity to talk or work with a customer is an opportunity to sell more products, more service, upgrades, etc.

ActionWare lets you make the most of client conversations, easily logging all interactions between the customer and any employee - sales or service.

Customer Service functions relating to orders and sales delivery issues are often included as part of a centralized inside sales team, as there is a very fine line between sales and Customer Service. ActionWare for Sales Force Automation easily links with customer services for a coordinated face to the customer.

So how can ActionWare help you Service your Customers Better?

Recognize the customer

Maintain contact information

Record activities completed and promised

Manage contact database

Increase effectiveness

Interface to business Applications

ActionWare provides the functionality you want in a Customer Service oriented Customer Relationship Management system:

Performance Convenience Versatility Appearance

ActionWare Data Layout 1:

ActionWare Activity Panel:

ActionWare is your solution for your CRM Customer Services needs.

For more information, please call us at 510-595-4700 or email us at